Thursday, February 11, 2010

Games of the month: sitting

Nicholas started sitting more independently this week.  Playing with some toys, he can stay pretty content, especially in the mornings around breakfast.

This sitting business also coincided with him getting a few new teeth.  The latest one or two, just coming through, are the upper front teeth.  Now when he chews on things, he can leave little teeth marks.

I'm proud to see him sitting there playing contentedly... I cant wait until he's old enough for crayons and paper, to see him doodling away, or going on sketch trips with me.  For now, he's a good model.

One of his favorite sitting games is "pick it up and put it down".  With a little blue ball or stuffed animal, he'll do this pretty endlessly, practicing his ever sharpening hand-arm-balance skills.  We started trying to modify this with him to a "give and take" game, but this might be another month or two away.

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