Sunday, January 17, 2010

Toys of the month: the phone cord

Favorite game: see how fast he can whip the phone cord back and forth to see if it will rattle.
It's just so tempting, this funny cord that dangles in front of him, so stretchy, so curvy.

On the second sketch, Nicholas was moving around like an excited little monkey, and Diana was struggling to have a nice conversation with her mom, hold onto the squirmy critter attacking the phone cord, hold onto the phone as he was pulling on it, and somehow try to stay in a position for a few minutes while I did my sketch. By the time I got to focusing on her, there was no more patience left, and she didnt come out too "frumoasa"... beautiful.

So, I tried to do a better job with Diana in the next sketch. But then after a minute focusing on Diana, Nicholas was really squirmy squirmy and was a challenge to catch him semi-still....

In the second sketch, Nicholas was a bit "out of proportion".... something like one of those old medieval paintings or icons, where the child is drawn smaller than reality and with adult proportions. Probably a result of focusing on one subject, then focusing on the other, but not on the composition as a whole.

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