Monday, April 20, 2009

Bucharest, Romania

Calea Victoriei, Bucuresti

The other day we went over to the art stores in Bucharest to look for some watercolor pencils. As far as I know, there is one street in Bucharest (Hanul Cu Tei: translated: Tei Tree Inn) with four or five art stores, over in the Lipscani district, just near the glassblowers street (Pasajul Sticlarilor). So, we parked over near Calea Victoriei, and walked over to Lipscani. Just as we got out of the car, I saw a bunch of interesting things to sketch, but only had time for one. This is the history museum with the dome, and one of the street lamps. In the history museum, there's actually a full size copy of the Trajan's Column in the Roman Colliseum. The column is wrapped by a spiraling mural depicting the Roman war with the Dacians.

1 comment:

Nina Khashchina aka Apple-Pine said...

I like how you suggested details on the dome - great white shape there!